Anxious Happy Inspired

9 ways to make the most of your spare time  

15 September 2018

I’ve recently come to the realisation that I’ve always put a lot of pressure on my main line of work. That is, I’ve come to expect that my job should fulfill me completely, should be in line with all of my values, and should allow me to express my creativity.

Spoiler: to date, that hasn’t really happened.

I’m not saying that we should give up on trying to turn our passions into careers or that there’s anything wrong with trying to find a job that helps us to feel like we’re staying true to ourselves. But the older I get, the more I understand that perhaps I will never find the role that ticks all of my boxes.

And guess what? That’s okay.

I used to get incredibly frustrated that my work doesn’t completely fulfill me. As someone who’s very much driven by passion and creativity, I find it difficult to feel stagnant or to be doing something that I feel has no ‘bigger purpose’ (whatever that may be). That was until now when I find myself in a position in which stability and a regular pay cheque are no longer mere wants — they are needs. So, passion has to come second for a while.

I’ve started putting even more emphasis on making sure that I do things I love and that bring me joy during my evenings and over the weekend. Going home and spacing out in front of Netflix is great from time-to-time but if I do it too often I end up feeling frustrated with myself because I just know there are better ways to spend my free hours — ways that will do the world of good for my mental health.

If like me you’re actively looking for ways in which to make the most of your spare time, or if you just happen to find yourself at a loose end and are looking to do something productive, read on for some tips.

Feeling productive and like we’ve done something that is useful/in line with our values/creative is a great self-esteem booster, so I hope something in this post inspires or prompts you to take up a new soul-enriching hobby.


In the past, every Thursday I’d have lofty ideas of the things I’d do over the weekend. I’d definitely start that writing project, sort through my wardrobe, exercise, see my friends, get a mani/pedi, draw mandalas, and plan world domination. Fast-forward to Saturday evening, though, and it would usually be the same story: I’d find myself wondering where the time had gone and why I hadn’t managed to do even half of those things.

Now, I carefully plan my weekends in advance. I sit and list out all of the things I want to do and then allocate them to each day. By doing this, if I find myself sitting around wasting time, I refer back to my list and get on with it. Activation before motivation!

You can also do that with your evenings. Tip: don’t forget to allow yourself some downtime, especially at the weekend!


I never fully understood the importance of exercise until recently. I rediscovered my love of yoga after taking a 30-day challenge and I now go to Urban Yoga (fantastic studio, by the way) in Dubai at least four to five times a week. It helps me to feel balanced and it also keeps anxiety at bay.

I cannot stress this enough: find a form of exercise you love and stick with it. For years I tried all kinds of other sports and classes but ultimately I would always come back to yoga. And I go so often because I love it.

Exercise not only keeps us physically fit, it’s also a great mood booster. Additionally, it’s a great way of finding your tribe — likeminded people you can connect with. Over the last four months, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the teachers and staff, as well as the other students.

If you cannot afford the cost of a studio or gym membership, there are myriad YouTube fitness videos that you can follow for free. For yoga I can recommend Yoga with Adriene and Fightmaster Yoga. Also, if you live in Dubai it’s very likely you have a gym and/or pool in your building so think about how you can make use of them.


One of the greatest myths of all time is that some people are more creative than others. The truth is we are ALL creative. Tapping into this creativity can help improve our mental health and give many other benefits.

So, what does being creative mean to you? For some, it means dance. For others, it’s cooking a meal from scratch. Perhaps it’s writing, sewing, or putting a paint brush to canvas. Whatever it is, find ways to incorporate it into some of your evenings or during the weekend.

If you’re looking for some inspiration or need something to help get you started, look into taking a short evening course. The Dubai International Art Centre has a number of painting courses, while budding photographers can look at Gulf Photo PlusThe Workshop Dubai also has a rich calendar of workshops for both kids and adults. For more, here’s an article from What’s On on six creative classes to try in Dubai (note: DUCTAC has now sadly closed).


And I don’t mean a novel (although that’s also an option!). Journalling is a great way of working through your thoughts and feelings and gaining some perspective on them. If I find myself feeling a little bit off kilter, I just sit and type in my journal and it helps me to quieten my mind.

Writing in a journal can help you to work through any problems, fears or concerns, as well as give you the opportunity for some positive self-talk.

Start a DIY project

The spaces we create for ourselves are so important. Is there anything better, after all, then coming back to a cosy, bright, and thoughtfully-decorated home after a long day?

Whether you’ve just moved into a new place that’s begging for some personality or your pad is in need of a lick of paint, starting a DIY project can freshen up your place and make you feel even happier to get home every evening.

It doesn’t need to be something big: it can be as simple as refreshing your bathroom with candles, a new soap holder, some flowers, and a bathtub tray (I’m currently obsessed with those — I want one!).

For some design inspo, check out the Dubai-based home stylist Stella and the Stars.

Spring clean

Did you know that clutter can increase stress? Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that a cluttered environment restricts your ability to focus and process information. Spring cleaning can do wonders for our mental health but the key, according to the experts, is not to just organise stuff — you also need get rid of the things that you don’t really need or use.

Declutter year-round by having a bag in which you collect clothes that you no longer wear and a box to store household items you no longer need. You can then sell or donate them when you’ve filled them.


It’s somewhat ironic that sitting and doing seemingly nothing is actually one of the best ways to spend your time. Even if you haven’t tried meditation yet, there’s little to no chance that you haven’t heard of the benefits: it can decrease anxiety, depression, and stress, and increase immune function, attention span, and positive emotion.

Use your weekends or evenings as an opportunity to start factoring meditation into your day. If you’re new to meditation, it’s worth using an app to help get you started. I recommend Headspace.


Why not use your spare time benefitting others by volunteering? Altruism aside, it turns out that doing good actually does us good too. Some of the many mental health benefits include feeling a sense of belonging, a reduction in stress, and an increase in life expectancy.

The truth is, though, there aren’t that many volunteering opportunities in the UAE, however, here’s what I found when I was looking: Dubai Cares holds occasional events that require volunteers (sign up here to receive their emails). If you know how to knit or sew, contact Rags to Riches — they upcycle preloved fabrics by turning them into new clothes for underprivileged children around the world. Animal lovers can look into volunteering for K9 Friends. This article from The National provides a comprehensive list of animal shelters around the country that you can also contact.


Sometimes the key to feeling like you’ve made the most of your evenings is to do nothing — but a strategic nothing! Luxuriating — or, in other words, taking the time out to pamper yourself — can take on any form you’d like. For me, it’s drawing a bubble bath, leaving my phone on silent in my bedroom, and soaking for a good hour or so. But it can be anything — going for a massage, taking a restorative yoga class, reading that book that’s collecting dust on the shelf. Anything that doesn’t require a lot of effort and that leaves you feeling pampered and refreshed.

How do you make the most of your spare time?

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